MD5 / SHA-1 generator

Yet another free online hash generator? Yes, but when I was looking for online hash generators earlier, I had really hard time to find any webpage that would output hashes in any other format than single hexadecimal string. This page is for you if you want to know bytes or even bits of the hash without extracting them manually from hex-strings.

Wikipedia articles about MD5 and SHA-1 in case you ended up here by accident and you are wondering what these hashes even mean or do.

Enter string below and press enter or click "Hash It" to calculate both MD5 and SHA-1:

Input Input is empty (0 bytes)
  MD5 SHA-1
Hexadecimal string d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709
Hexadecimal bytes d4 1d 8c d9 8f 00 b2 04 e9 80 09 98 ec f8 42 7e da 39 a3 ee 5e 6b 4b 0d 32 55 bf ef 95 60 18 90 af d8 07 09
Unsigned bytes 212 29 140 217 143 0 178 4 233 128 9 152 236 248 66 126 218 57 163 238 94 107 75 13 50 85 191 239 149 96 24 144 175 216 7 9
Signed bytes -44 29 -116 -39 -113 0 -78 4 -23 -128 9 -104 -20 -8 66 126 -38 57 -93 -18 94 107 75 13 50 85 -65 -17 -107 96 24 -112 -81 -40 7 9
Bits 11010100 00011101 10001100 11011001 10001111 00000000 10110010 00000100 11101001 10000000 00001001 10011000 11101100 11111000 01000010 01111110 11011010 00111001 10100011 11101110 01011110 01101011 01001011 00001101 00110010 01010101 10111111 11101111 10010101 01100000 00011000 10010000 10101111 11011000 00000111 00001001
Base64 1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg== 2jmj7l5rSw0yVb/vlWAYkK/YBwk=